Today, I had a close call at Rock Hour climbing gym that really drove home the importance of proper belaying and gear choices. When I fell, the force of the rope yanked my belayer’s hand into the wall. The pain caused him to momentarily lose his grip on the brake strand of the ATC. It was a split-second mistake, but it was enough to make me hit the ground. This incident could have been avoided with an assisted-braking device like a GriGri. It’s a harsh reminder that even the smallest gear choices can have huge consequences. Safety is non-negotiable. Always prioritize your gear choices and communicate clearly with your belayer. A few seconds of extra caution can make all the difference.I’m okay, but this experience has left me more determined than ever to advocate for safer climbing practices. Let’s keep each other safe out there!
Comme quoi le grigri c’est vraiment le top
A moins qu’il faudrait que la personne qui « assure » se positionne correctement ?