Besoin d'aide traduction eng -> fr d'un itinéraire

Cool. Je m’en occupe lundi. Merci !

Done. You can check it via the same link.

that’s much better. are you a native English speaker?

No, I’m not; I’m French. But I’ve been a translator all my life.

Normally, as the translator’s code of ethics goes, you’re supposed to translate only INTO your MOTHER TONGUE. But, for short texts (i.e. 1 or 2 pages max), we have some leeway. Particularly, as it’s the case here, if you do it for free, for a non profit organization of sorts.

Now, should you wish to update further documents, to make them more ‹ English ›, or simply more understandable for an English speaking public, feel free to do so:

  • Select a route on C2C.
  • On the upper right corner, there’s an icon, figuring a pencil. Click on it. --> The editable page opens.
  • Copy/paste the part you want to update, in a text processor. Write your updates, and then copy them back into the C2C source page. Make sure you don’t overwrite the tags (i.e. ##, …)
  • Go to the bottom of the page: there’s a blue button, ‹ Enregistrer ›. Click on it --> the updated page opens.

And that’s it! Easy, isn’t it! :sunglasses:

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merci bcp!


Tu as commencé si tôt ? :astonished:

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In utero traductor :japanese_ogre:

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