Petzl drawings at Camptocamp

Petzl technical notices

Camptocamp enhanced its technical encyclopedia with the 21 technical notices online provided by Petzl.

Published in five languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian) these Petzl technical notices build on the famous cartoons illustrating the corporate catalogues since 1975. The Petzl cartoons helped thousands of climbers and alpinists to improve their technical skills and their safety in the vertical world. They are now available at Camptocamp.

These technical notices are released in the framework of the sponsorship agreement signed between Fondation Petzl and Camptocamp-Association, manager of This agreement signed in 2015 provides partial funding for new version, the collaborative website planned to be online in autumn 2016. The agreement covers the development of new features such as a database in which mountaineers can share incidents, near-misses and accidents reports. This database called SERAC is currently in beta mode at It already hosts more than 150 cases that will be studied by a research team in order to improve prevention.

The compilation of accident leading causes and the release of new technical notices pursues a common goal shared by Camptocamp and Fondation Petzl : to offer the mountaineer community a free and quality service in the fields of technical information and risk management