Partner wanted; Pyrenees, SW France Toulouse 90km

I get out once a month on average, but would like to make that more frequent. Climbing 6b on a good day. I’m already familiar with the crags in the Luchon valley, plus some in Ariége and Spain around Pont de Suert. Winter days work too on S facing crags. On parle francais en plus, Oui :slight_smile:

Dear Griff,

Don’t hesitate to post this message in the French forum. Until more English-speakers visit the English forums, it gets way more traffic! If you parle français, that should not be a problem!

So, I’m still here. Opportunities have multiplied, but it would be good to encounter a ‹ peer › to make a push into 6c. And otherwise, I’ve got a 5yr old son who needs company to get motivated.
