Stefano Pontecorvo
Foto made with a telescope by @AlexTxikon and his team on the #NangaParbat. @NardiDaniele is on the center left (orange vest) Tom Ballard at the center (blu vest) and their tent is visible next to Tom. Foto property of @AlexTxikon.
Luis Carlos Garranzo
En réponse à @pontecorvoste @AlexTxikon @NardiDaniele
Very bad taste !, We trust the official statements and they have done everything possible. That photo can only be published by your family, it is unnecessary and morbid.
Stefano Pontecorvo
5 hil y a 5 heures
En réponse à @CarlosGarranzo @AlexTxikon @NardiDaniele
Your opinion and as such respectable. All communications until the last one, including posting the foto, has been done in strict and close coordination with the family.
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Luis Carlos Garranzo
4 hil y a 4 heures
I’m glad you clarify it, really, but really only you have published it. Do you really believe it necessary? If it were your son, your wife, your father, would you like it?, does it contribute something to the information?. But if you have permission from the family, no objection.
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Paul Jorion
2 minil y a 2 minutes
« If it were your son, your wife, your father, would you like it? »
Death made invisible would still be death.
Lukas Plattner
1 hil y a 1 heure
It’s not time for controversies
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