Lungser Tangri / Chamser Kangri pas le Kyun TSo


Nous envisageons d’aller faire cet été le Lungser Kangri ou le Chamser Kangri mais par le Kyun Tso (côté Est).
Notre parcours :

  • Départ de Korzok
  • Tour du Tso Moriri => Uli => Thyong Lo => plaine du Kyun Tso.
  • Puis ascension du Lungser Kangri ou Chamser.
  • Reprise du trek vers Mahe par le Sumdo La et ascension du Chalung.

Mes questions :

  • Je n’arrive pas trop à savoir s’il y a des autorisations nécessaires.
    Cette zone est signalée dans le guide Olizane comme Interdite, mais leur référence date de 1997, cela a probablement changé… Peut-être que quelqu’un d’entre vous a cette information !!
  • Je cherche une agence sérieuse… Mais pas trop chère ! Etudiants avec bourses pas bien garnies :smiley: ! (budget agence : 40$/j/pers).

Voilà, merci d’avance !


For the whole Ruphsu-Region, you need a permit, which can easily be organized in Leh. It will cost you about 5 Euro. I’m not sure whether you need a climbing permit for the mountains, but in any case, a good agency will also be able to organize the climbing permit for you. What I know for sure is that many agencies in Leh offer climbs of the Lungser and Chamser Kangri.

We have arranged our trekkings in that region through Shayok travels,, they are very friendly and the treks were very well organized.

By the way: Both mountains look really easy to climb. We were thinking whether it would not be possible to climb them with skis, which would be very enjoyable for sure! (A recent picture of Chamser Kangri on my blog


Thanks for your reply.

Actually, we want to climb to Lungser or the chamser summit (, or both!) by the east valley. (kyun tso lake, by thyang la pass) This way is more wildernesses.

The end of the trek is near Tibet border (Mahe). That’s why it was a forbidden area few years ago. I just don’t know if it’s already the cas.

Best (and sorry for my English!)


PS : Nice pictures!