L'homme qui a vu l'ours

Dans les Carpathes roumaines mais sur une piste de ski ! Assez incroyable.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tySWLqrYRo


Assez incroyable en effet ! Dommage que je ne comprenne pas le roumain, on se sait pas trop si celui qui filme flippe ou fanfaronne (ou si ce qu’il dit est interessant)

@Damien.din.Harghita peut peut-ĂŞtre nous Ă©clairer.

P.S. : je viens de voir sous la vidéo un résumé en anglais:

So as a romanian, I can give a few translations to the people watching the video:

  1. The guy was not mocking or provoking the bear, he was a ski instructor attending a class and he kept telling him to go to the forest and was trying to keep the people in the group from panicking. He kept calling the bear cute :slight_smile:
  2. The reason he made the bear chase him was to keep him away from the other people, in interviews he said this has happened before (in other words he wanted to provoke the chase instinct of the bear on purpose, so it goes after him instead of a child or something)
  3. He was warning people as he was going down the slope that theres a bear in order for them to leave.

J’aime beaucoup à 4’22" : « Atenzione camina ourso ! ».

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Celle lĂ  est pas mal, aussi, dans le Trentin: https://youtu.be/fFEVPknfAlk