Himlung Expeditions Autumn 2024, Nepal

NEPAL, Upcoming next expedition is Mt Himlumg Expedition 7126m from 2nd Sep to 5th Oct 2024. Join us on my team, or email me more info at 8848prem@gmail.com and inquiry@contourexpeditions.com
Guide- Lead by Prem Gurung IFMGA/UIAGM guide

Major Trip Attraction: -

• 1:1 Ratio (1 Certified Mountain Guide and 1 Climber)

• Professional and experienced Guides and Support Guides

• Challenging High alpine climbing experience above 6500m ASL

• It serves as a perfect training preparation before attempting a serious technical other 8,000m mountains including Mount Everest 8848.86m

• Group Climbing Gears

• Full Base camp Set up at Above Camps

• Specialized Alpine Cuisine in Trekking and Base camp

• Mask, Regulator, and O2 Cylinder (only for medical purposes at base camp)

• Updated Weather Forecasting Report

• Breathtaking 360 degree mountain view including above 8000m peaks like Mt. Manaslu and Mt. Annapurna