Feature request: add world wide satellite map layer

Recently I am adding some contents in China, but there is only OpenTopoMap available. And there is no option to add waypoint using coordinates (I remember before we have this). So every time I need first put the coordinates on OpenTopoMap.org and check where the waypoint is and then come back to C2C and find the same location using the contour line. That’s painful.

So I am wondering if it is possible to add a world wide satellite map layer?

Wouldn’t you prefer the possibility to add a waypoint using coordinates being implemented again?


That’s great. Yes, I prefer using coordinates! But if there is also a satellite map layer, it will also be very useful.

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I agree that having a sat layer worldwide would be useful. I needed it recently for Romania.


The ESRI World Imagery may be a good choice.


On a déjà pas mal de cartes satellitaires limitées à un pays, ce pourrait être une bonne idée d’en avoir une globale en plus?

Je pense même que ce serait un plus très important ! ESRI était utilisé à un moment, je ne sais plus pourquoi on a stoppé ? probablement un changement de leur coté …

On avait ESRI mais comme fond de carte (très imprécis), qu’on a fait le choix de remplacer par OpenTopoMap. Sauf erreur de ma part, on n’avait pas ESRI en satellitaire (mais ma mémoire peut me jouer des tours)

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For many countries, like China, the mountain area in OpenTopoMap is usually just blank. I also make contribution to OpenStreetMap, but it takes a few weeks for OpenTopoMap to update.

C’est ça. On peut regarder pour mettre un satellite worldwide, pas de souci. Si quelqu’un veut bien créer le ticket (et éventuellement pointer vers le bon layer ESRI, ça m’évitera de chercher… https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=10df2279f9684e4a9f6a7f08febac2a9 comme le suggérait @hemind ) ?

The issue is already on Github, thanks !
and sorry @hemind for all this french :wink:


I made the changes to add the ESRI world imagery, along with some other fixes.
This will be soon ported to production.


Now available in production.


Recently when adding contents, I again find it would be very useful if we had the option to add content using coordinates. Now we can only click on the map.