[Solved] Topoguide - Translating into Chinese


If I try to translate a collaborative document into Chinese, what I get upon saving is:

unexpected error: please consult the server logs

What does this mean?

(in My Preferences I did check [Chinese] before trying)

Edit: added [Topoguide] to the title.

I think the User Interface is ready, but not the API yet. @CharlesB knows more about the status.

Among the devs, I understood @CharlesB is taking some time off. Shall we ask @b_b what he has to say along these lines?

I could easily work on the frontend part, but unless an API lang was already added on the backend part, I rely on @xbrrr or @CharlesB. If I have an example, I could do it.

This in September only, though.


This question has been solved!

It is now possible to create a document in Chinese. It is also possible to translate an existing document into Chinese.

Bravo and Thanks to the Camptocamp developers!